
This Season of Fallow

Sorry I’ve been absent. 

But then again, maybe you haven’t even noticed. Sometimes I get all stuck up in my head about what others might deem important. I’m so busy thinking about what everyone else might be thinking, that I miss my mark altogether. Has this ever happened to you?

Remember that everyone need a season of fallow, even you.


Hey Rach, do you mean follow or fallow?

 Fallow. A time of rest. Rare for me, huh?

I am allowing myself to breathe. I will plow my mind but leave it unseeded, and whatever pops up can do so at will. How about we call this an experiment of me relinquishing control.

So far, it’s working out just fine. The days already seem to hold more space, but that could just be because the sun is staying up longer. Or maybe because I heard a bird singing despite the -30. Maybe because I’ve had enough time to notice the wonders of the world all around me now that I’m allowing myself to relax.

How about you? Are you needing a rest? 

So, what’s new, Rach?

Well, actually, quite a lot. A few things are burbling to the surface.

1.     I am starting to make beautiful things in my pottery classes. Things were looking grim. One week I made a series I call “Ode to the Hoodoos” and the next, “Whimsical Mugs.” Things improved last week when I finally managed to throw three large bowls, and this past Saturday, I started a new class on surface decoration. Watch out! You might get something pretty for Christmas!

2.     I am taking a CNF class focusing on outliers–and though it’s cathartic, CNF is so hard to write! CNF=Creative NonFiction, in case you’ve forgotten, and outliers are non-traditional forms. Basically, it’s sculpting art from truth. Watch out world—I’m starting to ignite!

3.    I think the most exciting news is that I am about to conquer my fear of public speaking.

·      I’ll be reading a short story in Swift Current on February 21. Come hear me at the Lyric Theatre.

·      I’ll be reading at Shelf Life in Calgary on April 14. Come out and rally me on. I might attempt reading my poetry.


This isn’t your usual, Rach.

 Nope. And that’s okay. I’m just letting you know I haven’t completely disappeared.

Be patient. When I come back, it will be with a vengeance. For now, take some time to read some past posts you may have missed along the way.

Inspiration: It’s Time to Refuel

Overwhelmed? Me too…

Rejection 101